
The Best Person Sean Hannity Can Find to Comment on Rep. Weiner: Mark Foley

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/09/2011 11:22:39 pm PDT

Beck had Cain on. Since I don’t watch Beck I wait until is shows up on Youtube. So I watched… (sigh). Here are Cain’s low-lights (just skip the first 14 minutes as their normal Beck rants):

Youtube Video

14:00 comes on

16:20 Cain tries to walk back his now famous Muslim-statement .. Beck is straight -up asking about a “loyalty proof” and Cain digs deeper by saying he would not require it of a Catholic or Mormon… goes on about “Sharia law”…

20:33 Churchill Bust issue - that therefore means Obama doesn’t think the UK is our ally anymore

20:40 Obama threw Israel under the bus

21:00 If Israel collapses the whole West collapses

22:30 Feeds Beck’s paranoia/delight at the coming “fall” of Europe

23:00 Agrees with Beck that our economy is “intentionally” being made weak (this is real JBS stuff here…)

31:50 Gets back to accusing the Administration of “intent in doing some of these things” when Beck sets him up with a banking/economy failure scenario. Cain tries to defend being part of the Fed back in the 90’s, but implies that the Fed is different today and that is why we’re in trouble.

37:20 Concludes with that he is not convinced that Obama has America’s “best interests at heart”.

No wonder Cain is a rising star among the wingnuts.