
WATCH LIVE: White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Lies and Spins

lawhawk10/30/2017 1:56:46 pm PDT

re: #373 JordanRules

Trump/GOP are stacking the judiciary with their right wing extremists who are hellbent on rolling back civil and voting rights, and reproductive health rights/access, including birth control and abortion.

Period. That’s their goal and intent, and the Democrats don’t have the votes to block them.

Elections have consequences, and there are still too many fuckers out there who think the parties and candidates are all alike. Sorry, there’s no way to not be blunt about this.

If you think Clinton judicial picks would be gutting access for health coverage or undermining Roe, you’d be sorely mistaken.

Instead of expanding civil and voting rights, the GOP is intent on gutting those protections. Trump’s turned over his judicial picking to the most extreme groups out there, and they’re getting their wish list of reactionary know-nothings and extremists who make Gorsuch look like a boy scout.