
Malkin Links to 'Buzzworthy' Anti-Israel Rant at White Nationalist Website

Øyvind Strømmen12/23/2009 11:17:47 am PST

re: #364 gegenkritik

By the way: I am not surprised that you are a supporter of a “two state solution”, since under the current circumstances it means nothing than an imminent danger for Israel.

No matter how hard you try, I am sure you are not capable of wishing the Palestinians away, so what is the alternative to a two state solution? A one state solution, where Israel includes the West Bank? A continuation of the status quo? The first would face Israel with some rather tough questions regarding national identity and democratic rights. The second does not really seem sustainable, and is extremely costly.

A two state solution will create peace overnight. Obviously, there are plenty of groups who would and are fighting against that in any way they can. But unless one proposes to use some form of ethnic cleansing to “create peace”, I really don’t see any alternative. If you have one, I’d love to hear it. Obama might want to hear it, too.