
What We Know About the Belleville Shooter So Far

Hecuba's daughter6/14/2017 2:59:52 pm PDT

re: #363 Brian J.

When you’re constantly calling for Revolution!…
When you encourage your followers to threaten political opponents on- and offline…
When you explicitly call for the will of the people to be overturned…
When your supporters repeatedly foment violence (NV caucuses, NV State Dem convention, Philly national convention, etc.) and you are silent and your surrogates outright approve…

When this is done by the right, we call it stochastic terrorism; keep pushing, pushing, pushing your followers toward violence and eventually a few will snap. When it’s done by the left, we should call it the same thing. The Democrats need to finally find the spine to stand up to this infiltrator and show him the door.

I’ve never been a Bernie fan and am still upset by his damage to Clinton, but I don’t think his action merits expulsion from the Senate. The term Revolution has been so watered down that it’s lost much of its original violent connotations. We have revolutions everywhere: Revolution in car design — a revolution in technology etc. It now means a major (or not so major) change in operation.