
Russia Wants the US to Withdraw From NATO, and Oddly Enough, So Does Donald Trump

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/15/2019 3:38:05 pm PST

re: #371 ObserverArt

Oh Alexandria!

So good.

You know what is really good about her retorts. They are based on actual facts and knowledge and not just snark. Sure there is snark there, but it is proper snark.

She obviously studied up on things that concerned her and used that knowledge to make herself go all in. Such a bold young woman to decide to get into politics.

Good luck to you.

Moreover, all the better-known people than her going after her in a very public way on a platform like Twitter, where she exposes their hollow attacks and millions of people see them.

Conservatives and libertarians by giving her such attention (out of fear, apparently) are amplifying her message a way she couldn’t do herself for many years yet. They are helping her drag the Overton Window to the left without seeming to understand that.

Like it or not, Twitter and Facebook and other such platforms are another way to get out a political message. I imagine there were a lot of Nixon supporters who grumbled about television after his debate with Kennedy as well.