
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk6/06/2009 7:49:19 am PDT

Obama’s speechwriters must have a bunch of stock phrases that they have to work into various speeches, regardless of whether the speech calls for it or not. I’m surprised someone hasn’t put together a website so as to create a random speech generator - using all of his stock phrases.

References to Obama’s family history is mandatory when giving speeches on foreign policy or race relations or heck - anything. Never mind that on so many of the occasions on which he speaks it isn’t about him, but on the actions of others who fought against evil (D-Day) who is supposed to be honoring.

As for his supposed ability to give speeches, let’s just say I’m not impressed. The media loves him, but that’s because they wanted to see him elected. His qualifications were never made the issue, despite the fact that he had none (other than being Not Bush). If the media gave even a half moment’s notice to his speeches, they’d see the same empty and vaucous self-references that suggest that he’s actually quite insecure because he has to puff up his own actions based on what others in his own family have achieved (like the great uncle). Throwing in anecdotes is part and parcel of politics, but with Obama, it’s a grating experience since it’s entirely predictable - even when it shouldn’t be. They don’t make his speeches memorable for their content, and the only history being made is that he’s the President and he gave a speech. That’s a significant failing in my book.

That said, taking the opportunity to knock North Korea was a good thing. Too bad his policies are to sit back and do nothing while Iran and North Korea both pursue nuclear weapons.