
Sarah Palin at the Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner

allegro9/17/2010 8:49:37 pm PDT

re: #368 Stanley Sea

“My advice for Lisa is the same for anyone who sees a grizzly in the woods. DON’T RUN.”.

Grrr… as a wildlife biologist who has a great respect and love for bears, I am deeply offended by this comparison. Bears are amazing, protective mothers who are righteously revered by the Native Americans for these qualities for which Sara is an EPIC FAIL. I will never get the image of her family passing that helpless non-responsive baby from hand to hand for the sake of the cameras at that convention out of my head. I think of that lovely Downs Syndrome actress describing Sara as carrying the baby like a “loaf of French bread” on the stage.

Sara has no spirit of Grizzly. She has no fucking clue.