
Roger Stone and Holocaust Denier Chuck C. Johnson: Peas in a Putrid Pod

Targetpractice10/29/2017 1:03:32 pm PDT

re: #35 lawhawk


I get the Sandy coverage. It’s pretty important especially in the NYC metro area. Lots done, but a lot more that needs to be done.

But there are ways to keep a story above the fold with headlines, column inches, and prioritizing. The Times is giving cover to Trump - on purpose or incidentally - and he is deserving of neither.

Same way that 40 days out from Maria and the Times can’t be bothered to report above the fold about the massive failures of the admin to restore basic services to Puerto Rico.

It’s the same kind of depraved indifference Trump shows.

I get that it’s big local news to New Yorkers about prep for another Sandy, but that’s something that should at best be below the fold and more likely buried in the local section of paper. That it takes up front center of the paper while the Trump article is relegated to the sideline and nothing written about PR on the front page at all despite growing revelations about Whitefish smacks of a paper that is invested heavily in the future of a Trump admin.