
Great New Music Video From Courtney Barnett: "Need a Little Time"

austin_blue3/16/2018 10:47:25 pm PDT

Again, I’d like to apologize to the Board for going off on the troll in the last thread. I’ve tried to not do that. It’s ultimately feeding the troll and pretty damn stupid. But here’s the thing.

I grew up in a military family and lived for many years, on and off, in Northern Virginia where most of my friends were the sons and daughters of civil servants. Many of those parents worked for State, the CIA, the NSA, and other parts of the Government. We were good kids. We loved our country and loved our parents, whatever their faults.

In the last twenty years, the Civil Service has come under increasing heat. Somehow, professional personnel who are knowledgeable and competent in their areas of expertise are being attacked as “partisan”. It started in the Reagan years and accelerated in the Bush 2 years when the Civil Service was broadly attacked as being “demoncrats” as if they were a political bloc aligned with the left.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The professional Civil Service is politically blind, and always has been. Whatever the feelings of the individual, it has always been a force that tries to advance the common good.

The queering of the Civil Service has always been the appointment of political operatives by the Administration in charge. Democrats have generally appointed competent managers that were supportive of the Administrations policies but generally left the day to day running of the management of the agencies alone.

Republicans have not done this. Reagan shook things up. Bush 43 much less so, he understood how things should work. Clinton continued the trend by putting smart managers in charge of the various arms of the government. Bush 44 manipulated the Civil Service to an extreme degree after 9/11, to our detriment. Obama calmed everybody down for eight years and made everybody go “aaaah”.

Drumpf has pissed in everybody’s face, hasn’t appointed managers, encourages chaos, and laughs at anyone who points this out. His enemy is the Civil Service. It is stability, which he loathes.

Traditional government is his enemy. We have to understand this to understand Drumpf.

We absolutely need to understand this to realize how dangerous this man is.

Rant off.