
Is Trump About to Try to Perpetrate His Fake "National Emergency?"

Targetpractice1/07/2019 2:19:08 pm PST

So here we are, actually discussing the Republican president* potentially announcing a faux “national emergency” for the purposes of mobilizing the military as his own personal goon squad. And not is the best we can hope for in such a scenario the courts smacking his hand, but the GOP is absolutely fucking silent on the matter.

No outrage from Republicans over what is a transparent attempt to utilize military force as a means of getting what he can’t get legitimately.

No calls from Republicans for the White House to reconsider such.

No Republicans threatening to join their Dem colleagues in suing the White House in the event that they go through with this.

No Republicans even expressing “concern” over such a move.

Whether it’s because they hope this will give him an “out” to reopen the gov’t or because they actively support such a move, either way we have a political party in this country that is okay with the imposition of an authoritarian dictatorship that serves their own ends. Even if the courts do smack him down, the precedent being set is absolutely fucking nightmarish.