
A Powerful New Song by Bruce Hornsby and Justin Vernon: "Cast-Off" (Lyric Video)

Targetpractice3/22/2019 9:35:02 pm PDT

re: #21 Citizen K

It’s just fucking exhausting. It’s part of the same acceptance that the GOP is by necessity the default for governance, and deserves power just by existence. Dems only ever get given a chance when the GOP fucks up significantly, and even then only ever given enough slack to fix things to some extent before the country says ‘Ok, you’ve had enough time, it’s the ‘real’ rulers turn again’.

It’s because the GOP are the party of projection, so when they say that the DNC “buys” votes by “giving away” things, they’re really admitting that that’s the way they win elections. Tax cuts, deregulation, “cheap” health insurance, and endless promises of job creation that will come not through government spending but unleashing the “power of the free market.” All they do on the campaign trail is promise an endless cornucopia of goodies with no cost to voters.