
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

zombie1/06/2009 6:26:54 pm PST

OK, I have a confession to make.

I recently ended up in possession of two bottles of wine — both were house-gifts for an event I hosted.

I just looked them both up online — one was a $14 bottle of wine. The other, a classy $60 bottle of wine.

Meanwhile, I already had at home a $3 bottle of low-grade cooking wine — which i indeed only use for cooking, since I’m not really a drinker.

Well, circumstances compelled me recently to open (but not finish) the two new-ish bottles, to serve guests. And so, just now, since I needed some wine for a sauce I’m making, I had all three open bottles in front of me — so I tried a blind taste test of the three bottles.

The result?

They all freakin’ tasted the same!

To my plebian palate, I could not tell any qualitative difference between the three.

As far as I’m concerned, wine is nothing more then spoiled grape juice.