
iPhone 3.0 Preview

zombie3/16/2009 12:36:16 pm PDT

I still gots my jailbroken/PWNED iPhone 1.0, and I’m happy with it — mainly because I don’t need to have a “plan” with AT&T. Just buy a SIM card from any vendor, pop it in, and pay for calls by the minute.

For someone like me, who uses cell phones very infrequently, this is about 5% of the cost of having a plan. Wonderful! And it still works in all the ways iPhones normally work: Wi-fi Web surfing, etc.

I also have the ability to download all approved and non-approved apps (because I’m jailbroken with hacked firmware), but I never bother with that. The only one I really like is an application that will convert ANY mp3 or ANY sound file of any kind into a ringtone. So now I have the world’s coolest ringtone, of my choosing — for free.

When they crack iPhone 3.0, then I’ll consider it. Not before.