
Pope Benedict Condemns Belgium For Raiding Child Molesters

DaddyG6/28/2010 2:08:51 pm PDT

Please stop short of Catholic bashing or religion bashing in general. Be classy lizards.

The issues range from abuse of authority in an authoritarian system to an institutional reporting and denial issue. These are serious issues for any group that works with youth, has civil or religious authority or depends on volunteers that can be an entryway for predators.

Abuse is terrible and should be condemned by the Pope and any other RCC authority. But try to separate the crimes and the perpetrators from religion in general. After all these people are committing crimes against the very doctrines they are supposedly teaching.

I think a celebate male priesthood is problematic but I’m not going to slander all priests as pedaphiles and perverts. A great amount of good has been done by thousands of dedicated and clean men of God. They don’t deserve to be painted with the same brush as the perverts and predators.