
Jon Stewart Achieves the Nearly Impossible

Nyet11/19/2010 10:59:51 am PST

I gotta agree with Ludwig, I worry about where Beck turns next. Beck has a specific paranoid worldview, and we’ve seen a glimpse of it. We know he reads the old-timer classics of the hard Right (cf. the Dilling incident, Benson etc.).

Since he shuffles through the old lit, he cannot but read the antisemitic items here and there. Some of them even scholarly looking, with citations and whatnot. Since Beck is so proud of being un-PC, since his thought processes are so simplistic and he sees “connections” everywhere, and since such sources would fit perfectly into his worldview, isn’t it very probable that he is a closet antisemite by now? At least when it comes to “liberal Jews”. If he is, maybe he keeps silent on this topic because he knows he will be a toast. But he can poison the well little by little, like with this classic anti-Soros screed.