
Gingrich Executes Stunning Backflip

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/23/2011 1:37:20 pm PDT

re: #35 Lidane

To be fair, he tied them in knots just by getting elected. He also pisses them off by not cheating on his wife and by being an attentive father. The rest is details. Heh.

I for one would love to see the “values voters” try to portray Newt the serial adulterer and disowner of his own sister as being a man of better values than Obama. And you know they will simply because “values” to the “value voters” just means being as socially reactionary as possible. You could be socially liberal and be really faithful to your wife and family and they still would back someone like Newt everytime.