
So, So Good: I'm With Her (Aoife O'Donovan, Sarah Jarosz and Sara Watkins) on NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concert

Dr. Matt4/05/2018 9:08:39 am PDT

CNN contributor Bakari Sellers: ‘Bernie 2020 died 4/4/18’

The Vermont independent dismissed former President Barack Obama as a charismatic lightweight during a speech in Jackson, Mississippi, on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.

“The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure,” Sanders said. “People sometimes don’t see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama. He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy.”

Sanders blamed Obama for the Democratic Party’s record number of legislative losses, and Sellers said that attack on the first black U.S. president on that historically significant date should doom Sanders in Democratic primaries.

Bernie is as annoying to hear about as Sarah Palin. There, I said it…..