
Bad Lip Reading Remix: More Walking (And Talking) Dead, Part 2

allegro10/12/2014 12:46:41 pm PDT

re: #377 Decatur Deb

Gonna take a hell of an online show, and that will only fix the ignorant. How are you going to reach the many who are doing obvious violations, and don’t care?

That would be the intervention part.

Here’s an example, say the Michael Shermer thing. The older guy has a sweet young thing at a hotel room party. He keeps filling her glass so she has no idea how many drinks she’s had and he isn’t drinking. Other people reported seeing this happening (some had seen it happen before, recognizing his SOP). She is clearly getting hammered. What if, instead of just watching this go on and letting it go, someone had intervened and seen her back safely to her room? What if we all learned to pay attention to these “tricks of the rapists trade”, recognize them, and do what we can to intervene?

What if a rape prevention course provided that kind of information?