
VIDEO: Jordan Klepper Shows Trump Supporters January 6th Hearing Clips, Hilarity Ensues

Hecuba's daughter6/24/2022 9:38:39 am PDT

re: #231 lawhawk

I am not a fan of expanding the court at this time. If the GOP takes over the Senate in November, the extra positions will not be filled until there is a GOP president. McConnell demonstrated this in 2016 — and then when a GOP President is elected (like in 2024), we will be faced not with 6-3 but with 10-3 decisions. The 50-50 Senate allows Biden a precarious “majority” to get a little done — but not to get anything bold like this, especially in the brief time till the next election. If something good happens in November, we can then rethink this. What would be even better is for Thomas and Alito somehow to be forced from the bench between now and the fall.

It is infuriating that SCOTUS is getting additional protection while they take away our rights one at at time. IANAL but IMHO based on the decisions this week, the Roberts Court is now firmly ensconced as the second worst court ever (Taney’s Dred Scott decision is enough to make the Taney Court the worst in our history).