
Chuck C. Johnson Trespasses and Tampers With Garland Crime Scene, Posts Photos of It

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge5/04/2015 3:42:59 pm PDT

re: #374 William Lewis

Well, I know it’s not a popular thought but if we are going to have armed police, then they need, actually even more training time on those firearms. I don’t think most people understand that they are not as simple to employ safely as Hollywood and TV make it seem. Perhaps if we passed a law only allowing less lethal weapons like tasers the training could be cut back but not so long as firearms are carried…..

I’d give up my flying car if someone would come up with a “stunner” like every science fiction story ever had. Not something like a taser, but a ray that would just knock the subject out for a while. Can’t imagine the physics needed, though. Oh, well….