
In Reno, Trump Rushed Off Stage When Crowd Freaks Out Over a Republican With a Sign

Targetpractice11/06/2016 8:53:32 am PST

re: #357 Anymouse

Exactly. The Democrats are concentrating on the states they already hold, and are uninterested in moving the needle anywhere else.

The mid-continent states used to be all Democratic strongholds. They are no longer. Look at Kansas and Gov. Sam Brownback,

His policies have destroyed the economy of that state. What has the Democratic Party done to capitalise on that? Zip. Nothing. The party literally does not care about it.

Kansas should be a simple pick up. The Democrats are spending no time there.

And you know what? Voters notice that. Kansas will never have a Democratic governor again in my lifetime, because despite the economic destruction wrought by the GOP, the GOP makes the effort in Kansas to appeal to the voters. The Democrats? Bupkis.

Here? The state governor recently campaigned for Mr. Trump here in the Panhandle. No governor has come to the Panhandle in decades.

No Democratic state legislator bothered to come out here. None.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Even my county party won’t talk to me (the chair is eighty-eight and has cancer, the vice-chair is eighty-seven). We had a person who recently moved here from New York City, trying to inspire the state and national parties and became our county party treasurer, and they ignored him too.

After three years, he left the Democrats. He is now an independent.

No offense, but the Heartland used to be the realm of Democrats just as the “coastal elites” used to all be Republicans. The realignment started in ‘64 and continued through the 80’s, when St. Ron managed to fool shitloads of “Real Americans” that the party of the very fat cats that were buying out their farms for Big Agra, transferring union jobs overseas, and selling everything that wasn’t nailed down really cared about them because they were “Real ‘Merikans.”

Shit, look at it this way: Before 2008, Virginia hadn’t gone blue since LBJ was on the ticket. Now it’s gone blue in the last two elections and is set to go blue a third time. Why? Because Republicans gave up winning cities and coasted on rural voters and military voters in Hampton Roads (since the GOP always promised increased defense spending). But between city growth and demographic changes, the state has turned more and more purple so now loons like Ken Cucinelli who might have carried the state easily can’t win against bags of sand like Terry McAuliffe.

No offense, but calling us “coastal elites” and saying that the DNC doesn’t care about ya’ll is rather insulting. That’s the same sort of shit Democrats said for years here in VA, that the DNC didn’t care about the South, wasn’t working to win their votes, and there wasn’t any point in running a Democrat because they couldn’t rely upon the national party for support. I am by no means an “elite” and I hear plenty of slack-jawed morons walking around every day calling her “Killary” and swearing they’ll defect to Canada if she wins Tuesday. Guess what, I have to share a state with these assholes, knowing they’re all going to go ballistic in three days. I feel your pain, but I can do without the bullshit.