
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Issue #4 (September 1968)

iceweasel7/11/2010 11:04:31 pm PDT

re: #376 Gus 802

Funny that you know. When FDR died if I read correctly it was almost like the day the Earth stood still. A lot of people were floored over his death. He was revered for his actions during WWII and the Great Depression. FDR gave us Eisenhower.

On some page the other day, a page of SK’s iirc, he and i were talking about it. He mentioned some things I didn’t know at all about RDS then and similarities to ODS. I said that the lunatic arguments against HCR were almost exactly the same as the ones made against social security.
I’ve seen one history grad student discuss that, but on some obscure site and not in much depth. It was all about the HCR/Soc Security parallels in wingnut outrage. Someone should do that for reals with the history knowledge.
It’s something that could be pretty big.