
And Now, Some Amazing Music: Ian Ethan Case, "Teacup Waterfall"

Targetpractice10/06/2018 12:45:22 pm PDT

re: #379 Hecuba’s daughter

And if the vote were between Joe Manchin and someone who wouldn’t support the GOP agenda, that would be a real argument. But that’s not the vote in November: it’s between Manchin, who votes to preserve the ACA and against the GOP tax cut, and someone who will vote the GOP party line. Without him, McConnell remains Majority Leader. If you want purity, expect to see Trump as President through 2024, followed by one Republican after another.

We sit here and bitch about how the GOP will do anything to retain power, and then we talk about how we’re willing to do anything to gain back that power. What a way to run a railroad.