
A Banner Week for Right Wing Xenophobia

~Fianna4/30/2010 12:14:28 pm PDT

re: #364 Aceofwhat?

none. that’s why they just stared. they thought it was hilarious but didn’t want it to stop.

(i was/am…eh…a little competitive with regard to sports. i’m better off playing tennis. no one to get upset with but myself;)

I know that the European education systems tend to be better at introducing early language study to kids than the American schools often are.

When we were in Portugal, almost everyone around my age and younger spoke English fairly well. And would apologize profusely for how badly they spoke it, even though their grasp of my language is light-years ahead of my grasp of theirs. Yes, they got some little things wrong, but they were 100% understandable and we could communicate just fine.