
Glenn Beck's Racist Friends

Cineaste11/23/2009 12:04:14 pm PST

re: #380 ckb

Or, maybe, she is referring to the fact that Israel has a growing population, about 2 million people in the last 15 years. And that expansion is necessary to sustain that growth rate.

But, if you want to attribute malevolence where simpler motivations are more likely, you go right ahead.

Many of those 2 million were refugees of one sort or another seeking safe harbor. Is she implying that more Jews will need to flee to Israel? She was quoted as saying “flocking to” which colloquially would imply a positive migration.

Also, Israel has plenty of room for a growing population right now without expansion of settlements. That being said, I think an ultimate two-state solution yield Israel the two main east Jerusalem communities but does away with the vast majority of the remaining settlements and outposts.