
Deplorable: 69-Year Old Woman Punched in the Face by Trump Supporter at Asheville NC Rally

Mattand9/14/2016 8:10:48 am PDT

Thought you all could use a chuckle before I do actual work.

Woman on my FB feed, who is generally a nice person, has been posting some stuff that could have used a little critical thought beforehand: natural cures, quasi-urban legend stuff, etc.

For God knows what reason, she forwards stuff from Anonymous. Naturally, they had “proof” that 9/11 was an inside job on Monday, and my friend decided to share. I was already having a crap morning, and that one just drove me over the edge. I sent out a general Tweet (which is hooked into my FB feed) bitching about seeing truther crap and that after 15 years, enough is enough.

She offered an apology, which was fine. I replied back that this stuff has been debunked a million times over, and that anything Anonymous says should be taken with several dump trucks full of salt. I referenced a Cracked article that detailed some of the truly monstrous things the group has done over the years, but couldn’t find the actual link.

She basically said “Thanks” but reminded me there are a few bad apples in every group.


They have a few bad apples. Not a lot; just a few.

I know way too much about politics and the internet for my own good sometimes.