

Randall Gross12/15/2009 9:42:23 am PST

re: #224 AJStrata

Why you think posting >3 year old denialist videos would change our minds when we’ve already examined all of the specious claims in them and seen them not only seriously refuted, but also serially refuted since the same lobbies keep dredging them up and recycling them ad infinitum.

Prof Bob Carter at least receives some money for the snake oil he sells, why are you working as an unpaid shill for Phillip Morris, Esso, Caltex, Australian Utility lobbies, and BAT? All of them fund IPA, the right wing think tank Carter pimps for.
The temp data for weather stations in the US has been normed and correlated with satellite and other data, and refuted, he’s merely repeated the repudiated Watts. The Roy Spencer Iris theory has been slammed to submission. etc. etc. etc.

If you are going to further this swill ya oughta at least get paid for it since you are selling off your reputation.