
Transcripts of Trump's Calls With Foreign Leaders Leaked, and Wow, Are They Ever Bizarre

ObserverArt8/03/2017 4:45:27 pm PDT

re: #357 CBGB

Put me in the ‘releasing the transcripts sets an awful precedent and is another example of norms being stomped on left and right.’

Unpopular I know, but we all know how uninformed and unprepared Trump is for the presidency by now. Minds weren’t going to be changed because of this.

We aren’t trying to destroy something, we’re trying to save something. The hit to future diplomacy was too much.

I think it too early to make that judgment until we know who did it. There are too may variables and we do not know how compromised Trump is.

I said earlier they could have been provided from the other parties, maybe they leaked them.

Or, how do we know the Russians are not so connected they have the transcripts and they released them. Trump just signed the sanctions…and the transcripts were just released.

Nothing normal is going on here. It’s all new territory and shows the issues of a president being compromised.