
The Real Purveyors of Fake News: Gateway Pundit and Other Right Wing Propagandists Smear Wrong Person to Defend Brett Kavanaugh

Targetpractice9/17/2018 6:23:36 pm PDT

So according to Tammy Bruce’s segment on Tucker “That Fart Was Wet!” Carlson’s televised fish wrap tonight, the wingnuts do believe Professor Ford is a victim…of the DNC. Tammy believes that Prof. Ford is honest and genuine…but she’s obviously not right about Brett Kavanaugh being her attacker and the DNC is exploiting her to attack a good man. That it hurts all women to have this sort of thing hashed out during confirmation hearings rather than in the proper place of a courtroom…where it would never get very far based upon statute of limitations. In sort, Tammy thinks Prof. Ford should either walk away or join the GOP in criticizing Feinstein and the DNC for “exploiting” her.