
Amazing Animated Video From Kneebody: "The Balloonist"

aatharuv2/20/2020 12:30:08 pm PST

re: #383 Belafon

Remember how nice they were when he lost the nomination by 4M votes?

But they weren’t what cost Hillary the last few states. That was mainly apathy, racism, and sexism.

This brings up an interesting point. All the polls which show Bernie winning against Trump head to head, seem to be national polls. Which are useless of Bernie gains a few extra percent in California, New York, and Massachusetts (netting him 0 additional ec votes) and loses 1/10th of a percent in Ohio, or Pennsylvania (swinging 20+ EC votes to Trump).

A candidate who might not necessarily rally the base in the uber liberal states, while getting turnout in the swing states against Trump might be what we need.

Anyone seen any good swing state polls comparing the Democratic candidates versus Trump?