
LGF Poll: Is Birtherism Racism?

Eclectic Cyborg3/28/2011 9:05:42 pm PDT

Ask yourselves this: If everything about Obama was the same EXCEPT his name was Tyrone Williams do you think everyone would be freaking out about where he was from?

It’s not just the skin color, it’s the foreign sounding name, put those two together and you get an easy to draw conclusion: Foreign name + plus dark skin = NOT a true American.

It’s a load of crap of course, but that’s how these people think. There was a guy who came into the store I work at a few weeks ago and, after some dark skinned people walked out, started to talk trash about how immigrants were ruining the country and they should all be deported.

Imagine his shock when I told him I, despite my white skin and lack of accent, was an immigrant and was seriously offended by what he just said.
First he said he wasn’t talking about “immigrants like me” , but I challenged him on that too and he promptly backpedaled so fast the wheels fell off.

It’s downright laughable when people say Obama doesn’t understand America because he wasn’t born here. Just where in the hell do you think the man has lived most of his life?

And beyond that, is there really much point into spending all this time and energy on something that is so pointless? The Supreme Court isn’t going to magically change their mind and remove Obama from of us and nullify Obamacare anytime soon.

Remember, there has not been one SHRED of solid evidence that says Obama was not born in America, just some circumstantial evidence and some wild theories.

And beyond that, there are far more pressing issues right now for America than where the President may have been born. Instead of this birther crap, couldn’t we maybe focus on getting people back to work and tackling that massive debt like other countries?