
Rick Perry: Human Rights for Gays 'Not in America's Interests'

funky chicken12/07/2011 7:09:14 am PST

re: #381 iossarian

I would pay good money to see a reality show where a range of wealthy opponents of the minimum wage get to pick lettuce in Alabama for a month, enjoying the lifestyle that their earnings can procure.

Strawberries are even worse than lettuce, unless you’re talking mesclun. Just a southern gardener’s perspective. :-)

Or old fashioned blackberries with the thorns on the canes. They ripen in the peak of the July/August heat too.

So, how about berry picking? Start with strawberries in May, blueberries in June, then blackberries until August, and then move on to cotton and peanuts in the fall. Not that you’d have anybody make it to peanut harvest season, most likely.