
Trump: Women Who Have Abortions Should Be Punished; Send Them to Back Alley Butchers

Agnostick3/30/2016 12:26:18 pm PDT

The Paradox of the IVF Clinic and the Abortion Clinic: Are Some Embryos More Persons Than Others?

If extreme anti-abortion forces define life as beginning at fertilization, then why don’t they oppose IVF treatments, which routinely destroy many excess embryos? Why don’t we see them picketing outside of fertility clinics instead of abortion clinics?

IVF treatments are performed in close to 400 centers nationwide. Over 60,000 babies are born each year through fertility treatments—including, as Daily Mail notes, some of Mitt Romney’s own grandchildren.

Many of these treatments involve the disposal of unused embryos, cultivated from fertilization through to weeks-old in development, that weren’t selected for implantation.

One IVF treatment might yield as many as 20 “surplus” embryos.
