
The Teskey Brothers: "Hold Me"

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)8/29/2019 12:01:32 am PDT

re: #18 Joe Bacon 🌹

My British friends are e-mailing me saying it’s getting dangerous in the streets right now. Over 1 million people have signed the petition opposing BloJo’s proroguing of Parliament.

And they ask me, “We’re out in the streets. Why are Americans STILL sitting on their asses doing nothing?”

I answered, “Plenty of them believe they will be raptured next week. If they don’t believe that then they love seeing Trump kick colored people and gays down.”

I have a glibertarian-wingnut acquaintance over in Essex. He wavers between pretty decent, and falling into the Fox News Bottomless Pit of Derp.

Lately, even he has been wavering on Brexit, mainly because he’s starting to realize that all the promises and “facts” that he was fed are complete and utter bullshit.

Now, if I can just get him to take the next *teeny tiny step* away from Ayn Rand, I’ll be getting somewhere.