
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

zombie2/02/2009 12:00:03 am PST

You know what’s weird about February 2?

The sun sets in the same place on the horizon on that day as it does on November 11.

11/11 = 2/2

1+1+1+1 = 4

I noticed that long ago as a kid when I saw that the sun set directly behind a distinctive landmark as seen from my window one year on November 11; and then I noticed it did the same thing on February 2 the following year.

I thought it numerically bizarre that 11/11 and 2/2 were arithmetic mirror images of each other on our solar calendar, but as far as I’ve ever been able to figure, its just a bizarre random coincidence. A fluke.

It you don’t believe me, and have a year to spare, you can check it out yourself next time: stand in a memorable unique spot on Nov. 11, and note carefully where the sun sets. Then make sure to stand in the exact same place the following Feb. 2. The sun will set precisely in the same spot.

It would make more sense if November 11 was exactly as far from the solstice as was February 2, but Nov. 11 is 41 days before Dec. 21, and Feb. 2 is 43 days after Dec. 21.

Strange. It should be 42 days/42 days. Not sure why there is an offset — perhaps something to do with the solstice falling on the night of the 21nd or something? Or maybe an astronomer can explain why the location of the sun 41 days before the solstice is the same as 43 days after.