
Another Guantanamo Detainee Becomes Suicide Bomber

looking closely3/02/2009 8:24:59 am PST

re: #9 Ward Cleaver

Why didn’t we just cap this guy when we had the chance?

Obama’s so-far broken promise to close Guantanamo notwitstanding, that’s going to be the inevitable result of an unclear policy with regards to these sorts of detainees.

Taking prisoners in a PITA, and without clear policy on what’s going to happen to potential detainees, I think there are going to be cases where non-uniformed combatants no longer get the benefit of the doubt.

More bluntly, without a Guantanamo-like facility to house them, in the future, some of these sorts of captives will probably just be killed on the field of battle.

Is that REALLY a preferable outcome? From a political perspective, maybe.