
Update: Rep. Cantor's Office Was Not Targeted

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/25/2010 1:48:07 pm PDT

Condensing my thoughts on the matter:

The facts speak for themselves.

A fool shot a gun into the air. Th bullet, not fired into the building, grazed the window while going down.

The good GOP politician, seized the opportunity to belittle the very real racist attacks and death threats made by the right against Dems and even smarmily blamed the Dems for the hate that the GOP has so carefully fanned.

This belittles the very real threats made to innocent people.

It claims a false sense of victimhood.

It distracts the rightful blame for this mess that lands squarely and solely at the feet of the right.

It blames the victim.

He talks about attacks on his office. There was no attack. He lied.

He tries to blame the Dems for whipping up fury over attacks that actually happened to them. Sorry, but when people of color are called the N word, they have a right to be pissed. When peopl try to cut your gas lines, or do coffin stunts, those are clearly threatening and they have a right to be pissed.

It is a form of lie to try to belittle this.

That lie is compounded by claiming he is taking the high road by not flipping out over his own “attack” when there was no attack.

The lie is further compounded by blaming the Dems for the whole mess of violent craziness and fanned flames, when everyone knows it was the GOP who has been fanning those flames.

Lies, damn lies and sick cowardly lies.

The biggest lie of course is in claiming that he want’s to rise above partisanship, when he is being a clear partisan hack himself.

Further, the fact that he brings up his Jewishness and raises a false specter of antisemitism is particularly despicable.

I am especially harsh on those members of the Tribe who are also scumbags. But then again, given what Torah values are on things like education, helping the poor and the needy, using one’s rational intelligence to sort out the universe and oh yes taking care of the environment (that whole we were made as a gardener thing) I look at any Jewish Republican the same way I look at a Black or Gay one… Clearly fucking crazy to begin with.