
Saturday Night Open Thread

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce12/29/2012 7:04:49 pm PST

re: #2 William Barnett-Lewis

Testing posting after upgrading Xubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10.

Everything seems good…

I reluctantly abandoned Arch Linux after the upheaval caused by the switch to systemd. That’s the downside of a bleeding-edge, rolling release distro. I don’t have the patience to mess around with such things anymore.

I use Debian (Sid) with XFCE on my work laptop. My home computers are in need of a new distro. Both my laptop and desktop are running Arch, and I haven’t updated in months. Any update at this point would cause severe breakage that I don’t care to fix. My inclination is to just go with Debian… but I want to audition some others.

Xubuntu would probably require the least amount of post-installation work, but in my experience Xubuntu has always been ridiculously slow and bloated as compared to other XFCE distros.

Ahh, choice. What a pain in the ass it can be.