
Donald Trump Does It Again: Retweets a Neo-Confederate Named "TheSouthWasRight"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/23/2016 6:22:49 pm PST

re: #338 Bubblehead II

Yes, at this point it’s the Feds call. But the locals want them gone both from the refuge and the town. This situation is a powder keg and all it is going to take is some trigger happy militiaman idiot to either shoot or otherwise assault a local to set it off.

The locals want Y’all Qaeda gone but rail against the government, including the FBI at every turn.

And the only (and I really mean only) reason I’ve backed off of violently removing these assholes is OK City. Waco and Ruby Ridge created McVeigh, Nichols and many militia members.

Read what these guys are about (all OPB stories, like the one on Ryan…they’re all crazy [I’d say clinically], many are conspiracy theorists [Ryan is a military quasi special forces trained guy who believes in the GA Guidestones; that governments are going to kill 93 million people, and Agenda 21)…they’re nuts.

How do you have honest dialogue with crazy people?