
Texas School Board Creationist Gets the Boot for Good

theheat5/28/2009 4:29:00 pm PDT

Per the Dallas Morning News:

Gov. Rick Perry, who nominated McLeroy, will now have to select another member of the board to serve as chairman. Whoever is picked will not have to face Senate confirmation until the 2011 legislative session, unless there is a special session before then.

I predict a Creationist Free-for-All in the meantime. McLeroy isn’t the only creationist name available to pull from the hat, I’m sure. The next one can go batshit nuts until 2011.

GOP senators rejected the criticism and accused the Democrats of holding an “inquisition” against the College Station Republican, who is a critic of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.

An inquisition because he doesn’t believe in science? (I’m sure he’s considered a “true” conservative.)