
GOP Creationists Pass Anti-Evolution Bill in Tennessee

Ace Rothstein4/09/2011 5:48:58 pm PDT

re: #389 CuriousLurker

Yeah, I can’t see how enough of them can be convinced to want peace if they’re being taught from the cradle not to. Like I said, it really depresses me and makes my heart hurt that their lives are in so many ways being wasted. And (obviously) it’ll just self-perpetuate unless someone figures out a way to break the cycle.

Thanks for saying that you feel for their plight though. That makes me feel better. It may seem silly, but even though most of us are just nics & words on a screen to each other, I’m always aware that there are real people sitting behind the keyboards, so it kinda matters to me that you all give a damn.

Okay, enough of the touchy-feely stuff—let’s rumble over politics, right?? LOL

I feel for the children, being taught all that hateful shit about Jews being pigs. Some of that shit they show on television with the children’s shows is downright hideous. Maybe one day the Palestinians and Israelis will both take two steps back, look at themselves in the mirror and say “You know, I think it’s time we both try something else, because this dog don’t hunt.” One can dream, right?