
Paulians Shout Down Lindsey Graham in SC, Sanford Co-Signs

karmic_inquisitor5/19/2009 12:57:41 pm PDT

re: #321 calcajun

OK—show of hands here; who thinks the GOP has become the Loony Party?

Sigh. Too early to start drinking. Crying-yes. Drinking, no.

And here is the sad thing -

Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger? The guy we elected in California to restore fiscal responsibility to the state and tell the cronies in the state employee unions where to stick their demands for even richer pensions, higher salaries and shorter work weeks?

Remember that guy? He represented hope for the economic conservatives.

And he screwed the pooch by taking a “if you can’t beat them join them” attitude towards the state employee unions.

So anyone who is a fiscal conservative who doesn’t give a crap about regulating who sleep with whom and how (and what they want to call it) is screwed.

No representation.


Just the same, I am done with handing the SoCons more power and money because they pinky swear that THIS TIME they really will cut back government.

They have no interest in cutting back government - they just want to retrain the social workers to become the religious police and ensure that Darwin isn’t taught and that Sodomy Laws are restored. After all, God is just itchin to destroy our country if we hit the anal sex tipping point.