
Tuesday Night Music: Pat Metheny Group, 'The Way Up'

Killian Bundy8/18/2009 9:18:05 pm PDT

Popcorn helps fight off cancer

POPCORN has become the latest food believed to have health-boosting properties.

The cinema snack contains “surprisingly large” amounts of healthy antioxidant plant chemicals called polyphenols, said scientists.

Tests showed the compounds account for 2.5 per cent of popcorn kernels by weight – higher levels than other a range of cereals.

Polyphenols – also found in fruits, vegetables, chocolate, wine, coffee and tea – protect the heart and cut cancer risk.

Dr Joe Vinson, from University of Scanton in Pennsylvania, said: “We were surprised by the levels of polyphenols we found in popcorn. I guess it’s because it’s not processed. You get all the wonderful ingredients of corn undiluted and protected by the skin. It’s a good food.”

/pass the salt