
Buchanan: Better to Destroy Country Than End Anti-Obamacare Drive

Blind Frog Belly White10/16/2013 9:42:33 am PDT

re: #385 klys

Like I said, a boring troll.

Real debate requires something other than pulling together wingnut talking points. “Ignoring Republican and indepedents’ solutions to the health care issues!” …what solutions? I’ve been paying attention for quite a while, and nobody’s proposed anything beyond DELAY DEFUND REPEAL.

One problem I discovered in trying to debate wingnuts on their own turf (bowhunting forum) is that the absence of mutually agreeable data sources. They would of course not accept anything from any left or centrist blog, nor anything from pretty much ANY newspaper, or any TV news operation except Fox. Nor would they accept any statistics compiled by anyone associated with the Federal Government. I ended up having to mine the RW news-and-blogosphere, and STILL as soon as anything disagreed with their prefered reality, they dismissed it.