
Overnight Open Thread

lostlakehiker6/12/2010 7:48:53 am PDT

re: #394

Steve, c’mon.

It’s not Obama’s fault.

The father of the mud engineer who worked for my husband’s company met with Obama, and was interviewed on TV this morning. He put the blame squarely where it should be, on BP.

If anyone in the administration should be called out about it, it should be Salazar, for changing the report AFTER the experts had signed off on it, making it appear that they had recommended the moratorium when they had not recommended it.

Engineers say report was changed after the signed it; moratorium on all drilling may actually create additional safety hazard

The spill isn’t Obama’s fault. But the near-total inertia, the absence of effective response, the shortage of booms and other tools for cleanup, the endless string of lies about how big the spill really is?

The failure to actually inspect? The unseemly trust granted BP, when BP had already the worst safety record around? (Texas refinery explosion, remember?) Obama seems to think that talk is action, and talk of suing is the ultimate in action.

His needless affront to the Brits in telling them to take back their stupid bust of Churchill is now coming home to roost. Now that we have an actual point of tension between ourselves and Britain, it turns out that burning bridges of good will was not such a bright idea.