
Video: An Amazing Solo Acoustic Guitar Performance by 16-Year Old Marcin Patrzalek: "Asturias" (Isaac Albeniz)

BeachDem11/11/2016 11:29:49 am PST

OK—this is a bowl of swill wrapped in an enema bag:

I Am a Swing-State #NeverTrumper Who Couldn’t Vote for Hillary. I Am Not Sorry

But some of the comments are worth wading through her sanctimonious bullshit, like:

You couldn’t “warm” to a candidate, so you helped one that “horrifies” and “sickens” you? That’s like saying you need to trim your toenails but don’t like clippers so you cut your feet off with a chainsaw.

You didn’t use a condom and now we’re all knocked up with the Rosemary’s baby of Presidents.