
Don't Forget Mom

jamesfirecat5/07/2010 11:15:12 am PDT


Do you know what a huge idiot I am?

I just slept through an exam that was going to be graded solely on attendance for me because I already had over a 90% going into it!

That exam was 20% of my grade.

Now I’m going to drop from an A to a f***ing C in one of the classes for my major because I forgot I needed to show up and thus didn’t set my alarm for it.

And it was one of the people I was going to ask for a letter of recommendation because I’d been doing so good in their 400 level course.


“Yeah bright kid, strong work ethic, he’ll just forget about the meeting with your top customer and sleep through it!”

Can’t wait to tell my folks about this…

Mr. Head meet Mr. Desk, you two are going to be good friends till my third friend Mr. Brain oozes all out over Mr. Desk…

Sorry to threadjack/go OT just… just needed to say it…