
A branch of pro-Kremlin youth movement plagiarizes Goebbels

Nyet11/15/2010 1:13:24 pm PST

This incident could be dismissed as fluctuation of aether, if not for the fact that it fits in the pattern of existence of these proto-fascist organizations (yes, I don’t think they’re fascist per se - yet). For example, a year or two ago MGER posted a Holocaust-denying article on its site. It was in the “given [insert any primitive HD canard here] why don’t we have a right to learn more?!?!?1?” style, more of a transparent insinuation than a clear statement. When the Russian bloggers noticed it, it was quickly deleted, but nobody’s head rolled, no apologies were issued.

This is the type of people who are attracted to these orgs (along with pure opportunists and common amoebas).