
Mitt Romney in 1994: 'Both Parents Have to Work'

labman574/14/2012 6:44:05 pm PDT

There is certainly nothing wrong with being a “stay at home” mom. And it definitely can be a full-time job raising kids.
But it is disingenuous to suggest that the viewpoints of an extremely wealthy homemaker represent the needs and concerns of women — whether married or single, with or without children — who need to earn a living in the workplace to make ends meet.

Romney to female voters: “The GOP has your back.” Alas, Mitt’s campaign is based on unabashed lies, frequent flip-flops, and blatant pandering that he believes will help him to get nominated … strategically planning to hit his reset button during the general election.

However, Romney’s team appears to unaware of YouTube —the online repository of instantly accessible video clips, providing evidence of the previous policy positions of Mitt v.1, Mitt v.2, Mitt v.3, etc.

Meanwhile, the governor of Wisconsin repeals “equal pay for women” legislation, conservative pundits and politicians claim that men deserve higher pay for equal work because “men need the added income more than do women” or because “men know more stuff than do women”, Congressional and state Republican legislators strive to make affordable access to contraception and breast cancer screenings more difficult with their assault on PP and health insurance coverage, and GOP-controlled state legislatures mandate that women seeking an abortion provide social conservative politicians with “a womb with a view”. So much for the tea party/conservative movement’s mantra: “small, non-intrusive government”.

The 2012 GOP campaign slogan: A chicken in every pot and a spy-cam in every uterus.

American women to Republican Party: WE will decide whether or not our rights are being assaulted by conservative policies, thank you very much.”