
SC GOP Voters: 15% Oppose Civil Rights Act, 27% 'Not Sure' - Update: 72% of Fox Viewers Reject CRA

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]5/25/2010 11:23:26 am PDT

58% Support the CRA

15% Oppose the CRA

10% Think black people deserve some protections, but they just need to stop yakking about it so much and completely reject Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and then maybe we’ll consider it

6% Are hazy on this whole federal law thing and didn’t watch that cartoon about the bill becoming a law

6% of course support the CRA in most circumstances but things just haven’t been the same since the golf courses were overrun with city youth

3% Who is John Galt?

2% WHAT?! Black people can vote?!?